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    1. Performance Duration

      1. Minimum of three (3) minutes and a maximum of seven (7) minutes in length. Timing of the performance begins with the first sound and/or movement and concludes with the last sound and/or movement.

      2. Schools that exceed the seven-minute time limit will be penalised. Items exceeding seven (7) minutes and 30 seconds will not be permitted to perform on stage.

    2. Basic Numbers

      1. Minimum Student Numbers = 20

      2. Maximum Student Numbers = 120 (includes backstage crew)

      3. Maximum of 3 entries per school

      4. The total number of student/adult helpers allowed to assist with Dressing, Hair and Make-up etc. is based on the ratio of 1-10 performers/stage crew. (I.e. 80 cast/crew = 8 helpers)

      5. The appropriate legal teacher-student supervision ratio is also required from each school.

    3. Student ages

      1. Primary division: Primary school students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

      2. Secondary division: Secondary school students from Year 7 to Year 12.

      3. Dance division: Dance schools and community groups. Students must fall within the age range of 8 – 24.

    4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories

      1. Wakakirri requires schools to consult and collaborate with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and take special consideration when interpreting First Nations stories. The portrayal of First Nations individuals or images must be with respect and regard for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, including students, staff and audience members. Consider positionality when selecting who portrays a First Nations person in the story dance. 

    5. Story Content Rating

      1. Must be rated no higher than PG. Wakakirri reserves the right to make schools remove any content (including soundtracks or images) that are rated higher than PG.


    1. Music used must be pre-recorded.

    2. Instruments can be used on stage as props but the audio must come from your pre-recorded soundtrack. No microphones or amplification for instruments will be provided.

    3. Soundtracks used by must be rated no higher than PG.

    4. Music must be brought to the performance day on ONE single, edited track on USB.

    5. If you wish to use a song from an existing musical with the same visual and dramatic representation (e.g. characters, costumes, choreography, storyline), permission must be sought from the owner of the musical.


    1. Two handheld cordless microphones will be provided (to allow for soloists or duets). Only one person can sing/talk into each microphone at a time.

    2. Backing tracks or silence for live singers or spoken word must be part of your performance soundtrack.

  4. MAKE-UP

    1. Please ensure that you bring drop sheets on the day of your performance especially if you are using make-up. These MUST be used in the dressing rooms to prevent make-up from staining dressing room surfaces.

    2. Schools will be charged for extra cleaning by the venue if they do not adhere to these rules and fail to bring along and use drop sheets.


    1. Wakakirri events are held in Professional Theatres with a multi purpose lighting rig installed that can produce a range of colours and effects. Schools cannot bring additional lighting and must use what Wakakirri supplies.

    2. Each school must provide a teacher to describe and call the lighting cues to the lighting operator.


    1. Schools have the option of projecting still or moving images onto the rear cyclorama using a pre rigged data projector provided.

    2. Images must be provided on USB (refer to the projection guide for file formats and aspect ratios).

    3. No still or moving images of any kind can be used unless they are original (i.e created by students for Wakakirri), royalty free or permission has been granted by the owner of those images.


    1. No images of any kind can be used unless they are ORIGINAL (i.e created by students for Wakakirri), royalty free or permission has been granted by the owner of those images.  This includes still and moving images for projection as well as any designs replicated for use on sets, props, or costumes.

    2. It is up to each school to seek permission to use copyrighted images to gain this approval and to forward a copy of this approval to the Wakakirri National Office.  Schools must retain a record at the school and bring with them to show day as evidence should the Wakakirri crew require proof of approval.

    3. Wakakirri has the right to refuse any projections, sets, props or costumes should it be in breach of rule 7.1


    1. Schools must NOT use corporate symbols, logos or names. Schools must obtain permission from corporations before using their symbols/logos or name.  It is up to each school to seek and gain this approval, forward a copy of this approval to the Wakakirri National Office and retain a record at the school and bring with them to show day as evidence should the Wakakirri crew require proof of approval.

    2. Wakakirri has the right to refuse any projections, sets, props or costumes should it be in breach of rule 7.1


    1. Stage Crews

      1. If you have set pieces and props, you must provide a backstage crew of students who are rehearsed in moving the set on and off the stage, in the allocated time.

    2. Setting the stage

      1. When called each school has 2 minutes to set their stage

      2. At the conclusion of the performance each school has 2 minutes to strike their set from the stage.


    1. All sets and large props MUST fit safely into a backstage area of 3 x 2m. All sets and props must fit into your backstage area safely and securely. Sets and props may be stacked (safely) on top of each other in this space.

    2. Each individual set or prop must be able to be safely moved and lifted by a maximum of 4 students.

    3. All individual sets and props must fit through a standard door frame (80cm x 2m) when moving onto the stage. They can expand once on stage.

    4. No set or prop may exceed 3m in height on stage.

    5. Handrails must be used if a performer is standing/moving on sets at or above 1.5m.

    6. All sets must be non-flammable

    7. Only costumes and props you can hold in one hand can be stored in your dressing space.

    8. No scenery or backdrops can be ‘flown in’ (i.e. hanging from the Theatre fly bars or from the ceiling). All sets must be ‘free standing’ on the stage. No rigging is allowed

    9. The safety and eligibility of all sets and props, including their appropriate storage backstage, will be determined and approved by the Stage Manager on the day. Unsafe sets and props will not be allowed on stage.

    10. Schools must ensure their sets and props are collected from the venue at the end of each night. Anything left on the premises is done so at the sole risk and cost of the school.

    11. Any piece exceeding the measurement restrictions will not be permitted on stage.


    1. All schools must follow the Safe Dance Practices guidelines according to their State or Territory education department.

    2. The Wakakirri Stage Manager has the right to stop a school from performing if they are using dance practices deemed to be unsafe.

    3. Bikes, skateboards, roller-skates, stilts etc. on stage

      1. Bikes, skateboards, ride on toys, stilts etc. are all referred to as ‘ride on toys’ in the following rules.

      2. Schools must have signed approval from students’ parents and Principal approving the use of the ride on toy.

      3. If a student can fall from a height when using the ride on toy (e.g. stilts) then a spotter (i.e someone to catch them if they fall) must be used.

      4. Any student operating a ride on toy must wear appropriate safety gear. i.e. helmets and pads.

      5. Students cannot ride faster than walking pace.

      6. No tricks or manoeuvres that may involve potential loss of control of the toy are allowed.

      7. The Wakakirri Stage Manager has the right to refuse the use of a ride on toy in a performance if he/she decides it does not comply with Wakakirri rules or is unsafe.

    4. Duty of Care / Supervision

      1. Teachers must follow the Duty of Care requirements as set out by their respective Departments of Education, including carrying a first aid kit.

      2. Your school Principal must authorise  the use and appropriateness of all content including story, music, dance practices, sets, props and/or acrobatics used in our performance and declare them to be in accordance with Education Department  guidelines

      3. The Wakakirri Stage and Production Manager reserves the right to ban any performances on the day deemed to have unsafe, racist, or culturally inappropriate elements.

      4. Wakakirri is a drug free, alcohol free and smoke free event. Any students breaking this rule will not be allowed to perform and may result in your school being disqualified.

    5. Prohibited Items

      1. Sets requiring mains power. N.B. Battery operated lights such as torches are acceptable.

      2. Pyrotechnics (fireworks etc.)

      3. Any liquids (including Flammable liquids)

      4. Naked flame including candles

      5. Dry ice

      6. Water Sprayers

      7. Fire extinguishers are not permitted for use in creating stage effects

      8. Glass

      9. Straw Bales

      10. Flying Foxes

      11. Helium Balloons must be tied down or weighted to prevent rising

      12. Glitter or confetti is not to be thrown in the air at any stage of your performance. It is only permitted as part of makeup or prop decoration and glue must always be used.

      13. Tap shoes are prohibited at some venues. If you intend to use tap shoes, you must contact Wakakirri to discuss whether this is possible at your performance venue.


    1. There must be no alteration to the performance between the Performance night and Awards Showcase night

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​Wakakirri acknowledges the traditional custodians and elders past present and future of the lands on which we work and live. We further acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional custodians from the multiple Indigenous Nations across Australia upon which our Wakakirri festivals take place.

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